En s’imposant à deux reprises dans le championnat Britannique le weekend dernier, le pilote VERTIGO, James DABILL redonne des couleurs positives à la nouvelle marque Espagnole.
De plus, ces victoires tendraient à conforter notre analyse selon laquelle sa participation au mondial indoor était probablement une erreur stratégique.
British championship 2015 – Hook Woods and Butser Limeworks
#jitsie James Dabill brilliantly dominated the opening weekend of the British championship in Hook Woods and Butser Limework. With the final Xtrial of the season taking place in Oviedo (Spain) on Friday the night before, Dabill nevertheless looked great in the slippy sections aboard his factory Vertigo Combat.Spanish youngster Jorge Casales took the bold decision to ride the British championship in 2015 in order to learn how to ride in slippy conditions. The talented Beta factory rider struggled during the weekend but is determined to get to grips with the unfamiliar conditions the British sections will present him.Young Gas Gas' Jack Price was very close on both days to get onto the podium. He's progressing rapidly and it won't be long before the 17year old will see his hard work being paid off!James, Jorge and Jack were using the Jitsie Line and T2 apparel with matching HT2 helmets. For more info, visit www.jitsie.com
Posted by JITSIE T1 // TACTICAL TRIALS DIVISION on mercredi 25 mars 2015